Christmas bread (named also popŕtnik, poprtník, poprtnják, podprtnik, bôžič, božíčnik, žúpnik) is a ceremonial dish that was on the table for all the Christmas holidays (three holy evenings) until the Holy three kings. It was kept on the table, covered with a tablecloth. Some people used to make one while others made three Christmas breads. The loaf was richly decorated with ornaments made of dough (braids, birds, roosters, wolves, donkeys, Holy family…). According to popular belief, Christmas bread dates from pre-Christian period. It has magical and healing power. Therefore, it should be enjoyed with all family members as well as the livestock. Nowadays, Christmas bread making is prevalent in Dolenjska region.
Decorated with as many birds as there are children in the house and it brings joy at Christmas time